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Employment Equity Reporting on SimplePay

SimplePay has built-in Employment Equity functionality that allows you to download pre-populated EEA2 and EEA4 forms for submission. The following steps should be followed for Employment Equity reporting:

STEP 1: Determine Employment Equity Obligations

The following employers are required, by law, to report their Employment Equity information to the Equity Directorate:

  • All designated employers with 50 or more employees must report every year.
  • Employers with fewer than 50 employees who are designated in terms of the turnover threshold applicable to designated employers (Schedule 4 of the Employment Equity Amendment Act No. 47 of 2013).
  • Employers who became newly designated on or after the first working day of April 2021, but before the first working day of October 2021, must only submit their first report on the first working day of October 2022.
  • Employers who voluntarily wish to comply in terms of section 14 of the EE Act.

STEP 2: Enable Employment Equity Reporting on SimplePay

If you need to submit Employment Equity reports to the government and would like to utilize SimplePay’s EEA2 and EEA4 reports, please contact our Support Team to have the EE Report feature enabled.

  • Once the feature is enabled, go to Settings > Advanced > General.
  • Select the checkbox Enable Employment Equity functionality (EEA2 and EEA4 Reports).
  • Click Save.

STEP 3: Capture Employment Equity Data

Once you have enabled Employment Equity reporting on SimplePay, you can start capturing your Employment Equity data for employees. This can be done individually for each employee, or in bulk.

To do so this individually:

  • Go to Employees and select the relevant employee.
  • Click on Edit Info > Employment Equity.
  • Complete the relevant fields, as outlined below.
  • Click Save.

To do this in bulk:

  • Go to Employees > Bulk Actions > Regular Inputs****.
  • Click on the drop-down menu and select *Employment Equity*.
  • Tick the Add checkbox and select the relevant employees. You can also click on Select all to include all employee’s.
  • Complete the relevant fields, as outlined below.
  • Click Save.

The following fields need to be completed on the Employment Equity page:

Field Description
Gender Select one of the following as the employee’s gender:
* Male
* Female
Race Select one of the following as the employee’s race:
* African
* Coloured
* Indian
* White
Occupational level Select one of the following as the employee’s occupational level:
* Top Management
* Senior Management
* Prof. specialists and mid-management
* Skilled workers, junior management, supervisors
* Semi-skilled and discretionary decision making
* Unskilled and defined decision making
Foreign National Use this checkbox to indicate whether the employee is a foreign national.
Temporary employee Select this checkbox if the employee is employed for less than 3 months i.e. they are on a fixed short-term term contract with a duration of less than 3 months. This generally applies to seasonal workers or ‘temps’ / ‘casuals’.

Note 1: If the employee’s contract is permanent and they are terminated early, they are still a permanent employee and not a temporary employee.

Note 2: If the same employee is appointed with a temporary employment contract more than once during the equity year, then that employee must be reported as ‘temporary’ even if the total of the multiple periods of employment over the equity year exceeds 3 months (e.g. seasonal workers).

This field will determine whether the employee is included in the count of temporary employees or permanent employees in the EEA2 and EEA4 forms.
Effective from This field should be used to capture an effective date when changing the Occupational level field. It allows the system to determine how many times an employee has been promoted within an equity year.

STEP 4: Configure Custom Items

If you have any Income, Benefit or Employer Contribution custom items, you must complete the Employment Equity Reporting field under the custom item setup page. To do so:

  • Go to Settings > Custom Items.
  • Select the relevant custom item.
  • In the Employment Equity Reporting field, select one of the following:
    • Not Applicable: Select this option to exclude the custom item from equity reporting.
    • Fixed Remuneration: Select this option if the custom item is considered a guaranteed remuneration type.
    • Variable Remuneration: Select this option if the custom item is incentive-based, is made irregularly, is discretionary in nature, or is paid regularly but the value fluctuates. Examples include back pay, commission, performance bonuses, share schemes, retention bonus, dividends etc.
  • Then click Save.

STEP 5: Download the Employment Equity Reports

The EEA2 and EEA4 reports must be submitted during the equity submission period. This period opens on 1 September for both manual and online submissions, and it closes on 1 October for manual submissions and on 15 January of the following year for online submissions.

To download your EEA2 and EEA4 from SimplePay:

  • Go to Reports > Employment Equity.
  • Use the Date Range field to select the equity year that you need to generate the report for. The equity year is the reporting year declared by the employer on the top of page 2 of the EEA2. It is a 12-month period (or shorter for first time reporters) in which employee data is calculated, consolidated and analysed for submission to the Equity Directorate. This field will default to the general equity year for employers, namely 1 October to the end of September of the following year. However, the equity year can vary from employer to employer.
  • Before you can download the report, you should click on the Click here hyperlink. Doing this will enable our system to pre-validate your data and avoid any submission errors. If you receive any validation errors, ensure that you correct this before navigating back to this screen. More information about allocating payroll items as Not Applicable, Fixed or Variable can be found on our help page here.
  • Once you have passed the pre-validation checks, you can click on the Download EEA2 and Download EEA4 buttons to download each report in PDF format. The report will include data for all employees that are still employed immediately after the last day of the equity year (generally 30 September but, as discussed above, it can vary from employer to employer).

Please note that sections D – G of the EEA2 report and sections B and F of the EEA4 report are not pre-populated by SimplePay. If you need to capture information in these sections, it will need to be completed manually.

STEP 6: Submit your Employment Equity Reports

You can submit your Employment Equity reports either manually or online. For more information on this, refer to this help page:

Employment Equity Reporting > Submitting Employment Equity Reports