Using Xero Tracking Categories

Xero allows you to set up Tracking Categories to see how different areas of your business are performing. Tracking Categories, with their accompanying options, can be used to keep track of cost centres or department codes. More information is available on Xero’s help site.

In SimplePay, Pay Points can be used to group employees as needed, for example by department or branch. More information about pay points can be found in the following article:

You can post the Pay Points to your journal through the use of Xero Tracking Categories.

Once you have set up the required Tracking Categories and category options in Xero, you have to create a link from the pay points in SimplePay to the Tracking Categories in Xero so that information posted from SimplePay can be categorised appropriately.

The steps required in SimplePay are as follows:

Go to Settings > Accounting Integration > Tracking Category Mapping

If you haven’t set up integration with Xero yet, you will need to do that first*

    • Click on Import Now if it is the first time that you are importing the tracking category information from Xero. Alternatively, click on Update Tracking Category if any changes were made to the Tracking Categories in Xero since the initial import into SimplePay
    • Authorise the connection
    • Click Edit
    • Select “Paypoint” from the Mapped Category dropdown and Save
    • Click Edit Options
    • Select the relevant Xero Option to match the corresponding SimplePay Option and Save

Your setup is now complete. Once you create the payrun, and post the journal entry to Xero, you should see the summary per Pay Point.

*More information can be found in the Initial Setup section of the following page: