Posting to Separate Entities

You are able to post the information for each pay point on SimplePay to separate entities on Xero and QuickBooks Online. This is useful if, for example, you have one legal entity with several branches or departments and the branches or departments are set up as separate entities on your accounting system, but as separate pay points of one company on SimplePay.

You can set this up as follows:

  • Go to Settings > Accounting Integration
  • Select your desired provider from the Accounting System drop-down menu
  • Click Advanced
  • Select the Pay Point
  • Save
  • You will then be taken to the Accounting Mappings page. When you click Import Now, you can select the entity from your accounting system that this pay point’s information should be sent to.
  • Once you have selected your entity and imported your accounts, map your payroll items to general ledger accounts in your accounting system and then click Save.

You will need to repeat this process for each pay point in your company on SimplePay.

Once your accounting integration is set up, you can continue to process payroll as per normal. Once a pay run is created, there will now be an Accounting Report for each pay point, as well as an option to send each pay point’s payroll information for that pay run separately to your accounting software.