Posts with Tag "payroll"

Introducing Custom Bulk Inputs

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Simplify your payroll management with Custom Bulk Inputs. Edit payroll items of your choosing — for multiple employees at once — on a single screen or via an Excel file generated by the system.

Feature Recap for Quarter 1 2024

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In this blog, we recap some system updates that occurred in the first quarter of 2024. Read more here.

New Feature Labels

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Our new Feature Labels allow you to easily read more about new features, and to send us feedback about new and existing features.

Latest News on the Return of Earnings

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Discover the latest updates on the Return of Earnings, including the submission deadline, and a change in how SimplePay applies the annual threshold.

National Budget Speech 2024

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In this blog, we briefly discuss the changes announced in the 2024 Budget Speech and how they affect your payroll.

Self-Service Claims Now Available By Default

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We’re happy to announce that we’ve made our Employee Self-Service (ESS) claims available to our entire customer base — by default! Find out more about this exciting feature in our blog.

Introducing the SimplePay Account Dashboard

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Introducing the SimplePay Account Dashboard – a game-changing feature designed for streamlined payroll management.

Additional Public Holiday on 15 December 2023

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Great news! We’ve already implemented the required system changes to account for the newly-announced public holiday on 15 December. You can rely on SimplePay for smooth and efficient payroll processing.

Introducing Reminders: Email Notifications for Important Employee Events

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Introducing SimplePay’s newest feature: Reminders. Keeping track of important employee events has never been easier. With reminders, you can receive emails to keep you informed of upcoming birthdays, work anniversaries, and all other important dates.

New Report: Leave Expiry Report

    1 minute read    

Introducing Leave Expiry Reports! Our new feature is here to help you keep track of your employees’ expiring leave.

2023 Filing Season Now Open

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Filing season is officially open. Read more about this on our blog.

New Feature: Long Service Awards

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Our system now allows you to capture Long Service Awards while ensuring the correct handling of SARS codes and taxes.

PAYE Webinar Series Blog Post

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After a brief hiatus we return to bring you the next installment of webinars - a 3-part series focusing on Pay As You Earn (PAYE).

Official Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

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The Reserve Bank has announced a second consecutive hike of the repurchase rate (repo rate). This blog post contains all of the important information you need to know.

Open Invite to SimplePay's Leave Webinars

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In this blog post, we extend an open invitation to you to attend Episodes 3 and 4 of our pilot webinar series, focusing on leave.

SimplePay: Your Partners in Success

    3 minute read    

In this blog post, our customer success team tell us a bit more about who they are, what they do and how this impacts you.

How SimplePay Handles Feature Requests

    3 minute read    

In this blog post, we outline the process that we follow to evaluate feature requests and select features to add to our development pipeline.

Introducing SimplePay Webinars

    1 minute read    

Our new series of webinars provides another easy way to learn more about payroll in South Africa.

New Feature: Pro-Rate Custom Items

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SimplePay automatically calculates and applies a pro-rate percentage to the Basic Salary of employees if they do not work for a full pay period i.e. the are appointed after the start of a pay period or terminated before the end of a pay period. We’ve received several requests to allow for the pro-rata percentage to be applied to other items, and are delighted to announce that this functionality is now available for certain custom items.

New Feature: Approver Override

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Our new approver override feature allows full admins to approve requests when approvers are on leave.

New Feature: Custom Beneficiaries

    1 minute read    

We’ve expanded our beneficiaries functionality so that you can add beneficiaries for custom items.

New Feature: Payslips Export

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You can now download a ZIP file with all the payslips within a specific date range for selected employees or pay points.

Updated App: Version 2.0

    1 minute read    

We’ve released version 2.0 of our app with more functionality.

UI Tweaks for Profile Pages

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We’ve made changes to our user interface on profile pages.

Automatic Quote Generator

    1 minute read    

We’ve created an automatic quote generator that allows you to receive a formal quote in PDF format straight to your inbox.

PAYE vs Income Tax

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We’ve renamed ‘Tax’ on the system to ‘Tax (PAYE)’.

Employee Filtering Revamp

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We’ve revamped our employee filters to make it more convenient to find and select employees.

Recap for June

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Here’s a recap of the new features and important information released this past month.

New Feature: End Service Checklist

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This new feature reminds you of outstanding employer loans and savings when ending an employee’s service.

New: Foreign Employees Notification

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A new notification will alert you of foreign employees when submitting UIF Declarations.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

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As a result of the latest repo rate change, the official interest rate for employer loans will change effective 1 June 2020.

Update to TERS Application Channel

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Employers can no longer apply to TERS via email. A new online application method is now available.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

    1 minute read    

The repo rate has decreased by 100 basis points, resulting in the official interest rate for employer loans changing to 6.25%.

National Minimum Wage Increase

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The national minimum wage rates, as specified in the National Minimum Wage Act, will increase by 3.8% from R20 per hour to R20,76 for employees. This minimum wage increase will be effective from 1 March 2020.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

    1 minute read    

The repo rate has decreased by 25 basis points, resulting in the official interest rate for employer loans changing to 7.25%.

Year in Review and Price Adjustment

    1 minute read    

As 2019 (and the decade) draws to a close, we’d like to thank you for choosing SimplePay as your payroll software provider. We really value the loyalty, ideas, feedback and love that we get from you, our clients.

Automatic Logout Feature

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Our new optional timeout feature allows you to choose how long the system can be left idle for before automatically logging you out of SimplePay.

We’re App Partner of the Year Finalists

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SimplePay is delighted and proud to announce that we have been chosen by Xero as a finalist for the App Partner of the Year: South Africa.

New Feature: Employee Leave Expiration

    1 minute read    

You can now specify that leave days carried over from the previous leave cycle expires if not used within a specified time frame.

CF Registration

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You can pre-register for access to the new online platform for the Compensation Fund.

CF System Update

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The Compensation Fund has begun the process of modernising and consolidating their systems. As a result, the CF-Filing system has been offline as of 28 August.

Interest Rate Change for Employer Loans

    1 minute read    

The repo rate has decreased by 25 basis points, resulting in the official interest rate for employer loans changing to 7.5%.

Small Changes Can Make a Big Difference

    1 minute read    

Small changes can make a big difference, so we have added a new leave report and made some tweaks to entitlement policies.

Bulk Actions for Once-off Payslips

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We are happy to announce that we have increased our bulk actions functionality to include bulk actions for once-off payslips.

Customise System Items

    1 minute read    

SimplePay’s newest feature lets you create custom items that follow the same tax and payroll rules as system items.

ETI Changes to Remuneration Brackets

    1 minute read    

The brackets for employee earnings that ETI can be claimed on have been updated to account for inflation.

Increased COIDA Threshold

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The Minister of Labour announced in Government Gazette No. 42092 that there would be an increase in the OID earnings threshold under Section 83 (8) of the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act no. 130 of 1993).

National Minimum Wage Act

    1 minute read    

The new national minimum wage is set at R20 per hour effective from 1 January 2019.