2016 Retirement Reform

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The 1st of March 2016 brought with it a number of significant changes that will affect employees with pension, provident and retirement annuity funds. This legislation introduces a uniform tax treatment for all three of the above-mentioned funds (total taxable income deduction limited to 27.5% of income, with an annual cap of R350 000).

Updates in SimplePay for the 2016/2017 Tax Year

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We are pleased to announce that SimplePay clients are once again some of the first to be informed of the relevant changes for the new tax year.   As from 01 March 2016, your payroll will automatically meet all the requirements for the 2016/2017 period, as announced in the 2016 Budget Speech on 24 February 2016.

Getting Started with Employee Self Service

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Here at SimplePay, we believe that taking leave and getting paid should be the least stressful work related things that your employees can do. In the past, however, this hasn’t always been the case, mostly because of all of the red tape and paperwork involved in collecting payslips, and requesting and approving leave.

2016 Payroll Changes – Additional Medical Tax Credit

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With the start of the new financial year looming ahead of us, lawmakers have been hard at work drafting legislative changes that will require Payroll administrators to keep their wits about them if they want to keep up.


New Leave Overview

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With annual shutdown just around the corner for many companies, our dedicated team of coding elves have been cooking up a feature that a lot of you have been asking for.

Leave Calendar Updates

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Just in time for the festive season, we are super excited to present to you our updated leave calendar. This new calendar is more than just a pretty face; it sports a number of new features to make leave recording simpler and more accurate.

SARS PAYE Reconcilliation 2015-08

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Dust off your EMP501s, it’s that time of year once again.  The employer filing season opened officially on 1 September, with the deadline on 30 October 2015.  You will be reconciling figures for the period 1 March 2015 to 31 August 2015.  Please view our online help on this subject to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

POPI – We’ve Got You Covered

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With rumours circulating of an effective date towards the end of the year, there’s been a lot of fuss lately around the Protection of Personal Information Act, otherwise known as POPI. Luckily SimplePay has been keeping you compliant for ages already.

Improved Self-Service Leave Workflow

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You may have noticed that the leave hierarchy has had a facelift. The interface is now cleaner, more intuitive and easier to use. But the improvements go far beyond aesthetics; the entire approval workflow has been updated to provide you with a simpler and more reliable experience.

New Website Just Launched

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We have been working hard on a new website design to provide you with an even better SimplePay experience and are very excited to announce that it just went live!