State of the Nation Address: 11 November 2020

    2 minute read    

Our blog post today covers the President’s latest national address, picking out some of the key points that were communicated in the speech.

COVID-19 TERS Update

    3 minute read    

Our latest blog post covers the information released in the UIF’s latest TERS update letter.

TERS: Updates and Clarifications

    5 minute read    

Our new blog post aims to shed some light on the newly revamped TERS process by detailing some of the changes made.

Updated App: Version 2.0

    1 minute read    

We’ve released version 2.0 of our app with more functionality.

Repayment of the 35% PAYE Deferral

    1 minute read    

Today’s blog consists of a reminder that the first repayment of the 35% PAYE deferment is due, in addition to how you can do this.