SARS’ SMME Feedback Survey

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Today’s blog post provides our SMME clients the opportunity to provide direct feedback to SARS on tax issues and pain points.

February Adjusted Level 3 Amendments

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This blog post summarises the amendments to the Adjusted Level 3 regulations for the COVID-19 pandemic.

UIF Payment Process Relaxed

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To reduce queueing at labour centres the UIF is cutting back on red tape and engaging directly with employers. To find out more details, read our latest blog post.

New Feature: Payslips Export

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You can now download a ZIP file with all the payslips within a specific date range for selected employees or pay points.


TERS Update Blog: 22 December 2020

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Blog post providing you with a handy TERS FAQ, based on information from recent UIF correspondence.

President’s Speech – 14 December 2020

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The blog today summarises some of the key COVID-19 rule changes that affect businesses, as announced in the President’s 14 December speech.