CF System Update

Author: Alan Homewood

    less than 1 minute read    

The Compensation Fund has begun the process of modernising and consolidating their systems. This process includes an update to the CF-Filing platform.

To allow for this update, the CF-Filing system has been offline as of 28 August. While the technical migration to a new system is underway you will not be able to submit information through the mailbox. 

The Compensation Fund has reinstated the old ROE Online system so that filing can continue during the update. The ROE Online system can be accessed from

You will be able to perform the following actions through the ROE Online system

  • Employer Registration
  • Submit Return of Earnings
  • Retrieve Letter of Good Standing
  • Verify Letter of Good Standing

Furthermore, the online payment platform will no longer be available and you will need to utilise the banking details on the Notice of Assessment/Invoice to make direct payments through your bank. 

The following contact details are available for any queries you may have:

As always, feel free to contact SimplePay support if you have any questions.

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