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Actioning Employee Requests

Employees are able to make the following types of requests:

  • Leave
  • Info Updates
  • Employee Claims

Approving/Denying Requests

Before employee requests can be actioned, the company’s approval structures must be configured. Please see the following article for guidance:

The approver(s) can respond to the request in one of two ways:

  • Clicking on the link in the notification email – this will take them directly to the request.
  • Logging in to SimplePay and clicking on Approval on the sidebar menu – there will be a list of pending requests as well as a list of recently actioned ones from the last month. To see all requests, they can click on the Show All link. To respond to a request, the approver(s) will need to click on Pending next to the employee’s name.

The approver(s) can then either approve or deny the request on the Leave Request Page. They are also able to provide a reason for their decision, or another message, in the comments section, as well as view or add any supporting documents. The employee will then be notified via email of the decision.


  • On the Leave Request Page, they will be able to jump to the Leave Overview Calendar by clicking the link above the Request Information card.
  • In cases where the “All of” approver type is selected, the employee will be notified of each decision made. The state of the request will change to Denied if only one approver denies the request but will only be Approved once all approvers have approved it.

Once requests have been approved, they will have the following impact:

  • Info Updates: The Basic Info page on the employee’s profile will be updated with the new information.
  • Leave: The leave will be taken into account by the system, the same way it would be if a payroll administrator captured the leave.
  • Claims: The payslip item will be added to the employee’s next draft payslip – the date of the payslip that it’ll be added to is indicated on the request. If there is more than one draft payslip, then the approver can select the payslip that the request should appear on. If the date of the payslip is incorrect, and there is no option to change the payslip date, or the option needed is not in the drop-down list, the payroll administrator should be contacted.


You should ensure that payslips are reviewed before finalisation to prevent any unexpected additional salary expenses. Due to automatic legislative compliance, annual leave approved may result in extra leave pay over and above normal pay for certain employees.

Deleting Leave Requests

To delete requests that have already been submitted, please do the following:

  • Go to Employees, and select the relevant employee from the employee dashboard.
  • Go to Leave > Record Taken.
  • Find the relevant request under Self-Service Leave Requests.
  • Click Delete next to the Status column.


If a request has not yet been approved, i.e. the Status is Pending, you will always be able to delete the request as discussed above.

However, if it is a leave request that has already been approved, you will be able to delete the request only if the payslip for the period during which the leave falls has not yet been finalised. If the payslip has already been finalised, there will be no option to delete.

In case you are unable to delete, the effect of the approved leave request could be reversed by making a leave adjustment. For more information about leave adjustments, please refer to the following article:

If you are unable to delete an approved leave request because the payslip has been finalised, another way in which you could delete the request is by unfinalising the payslip first and then deleting the request.


You should unfinalise the payslip only if you have not yet paid your employee, in case changes were made afterwards.

View Finalised Requests

Requests finalised recently (i.e. within the last 30 days) will be displayed under Finalised Requests (in the last month). You can also view all finalised requests by clicking on show all.


Finalised requests are visible only to the original approver and will not be visible to new approvers.