Managing Your Leave Requests
SimplePay enables you to manage leave requests via Self-Service, with the following functionalities:
Leave Overview Calendar¶
In order to better plan your leave dates and/or increase the chances of having your leave approved, you might want to look at a calendar that will give you an overview of when your colleagues are taking leave, or which dates they have requested leave for.
You can access such a calendar by logging in to SimplePay and going to the Calendar section on the left-hand menu. However, if you do not see such a section, you will have to contact your payroll administrator first, and ask them to enable it by going to Employees > Self-Service > Settings > Leave.
Submitting a Leave Request¶
- Log in to SimplePay, and go to Requests > Leave Request.
- Select the leave Type from the drop-down menu.
- Click on the day on which you want to take leave.
- Edit the To date if you want to take leave on more than one day.
- Click Confirm.
- If you want to add more leave days to the same request, you can just click on the calendar again, and repeat steps 3 to 5 above.
- You can attach any supporting documents to your leave request (see below).
- You can also add a comment or message motivating why you are requesting leave.
- Click Save.
You should also see the name of the person(s) approving your leave. They will receive an email notifying them of the request and any comments added.
Approval groups
If an approver has not yet been assigned to you, you can still apply for leave, but it will not be actioned until the leave approval structure has been configured. If necessary, please contact your payroll administrator and request that they do this.
You will also be able to see your projected leave balances if your payroll administrator has enabled this option. The leave balances are calculated after taking into account all other leave requests that have been approved, even if the leave days for those requests are on a future date.
Cancelling a Request¶
- Log in to SimplePay, and go to Requests.
- Click Cancel next to the leave request you want to remove.
- Click Confirm. The Status of the request will then change to Cancelled.
Upload Supporting Documentation¶
As an employee, you can attach supporting documents to your self-service requests for leave. For example, you can attach a doctor’s certificate to sick leave requests, or a birth certificate to paternity leave requests. Leave approvers are able to access these documents uploaded when viewing your leave requests.
How to upload supporting documents¶
You must be set up for Self-Service in order to use this function. Contact your payroll administrator if you have not been set up.
- Log in to SimplePay, and go to Requests > Leave Request.
- Follow the steps to submit a leave request, as outlined above.
- Before you click Save, on the yellow Request Details panel, next to Supporting Documents (if applicable), click Upload new files > Choose file to browse and attach supporting documents from your computer.
- You can give your document upload a title in the relevant field.
- If you wish to upload further documents, click the Upload new files button again.
- After uploading your documents, continue with the leave request.
- Click Save.
You can also add supporting documents to existing leave requests:
- Log in to SimplePay, and go to Requests.
- Click on the Pending or Approved status next to the relevant leave request.
- Under Supporting Documents, click Upload new files > Choose file to browse and attach supporting documents from your computer.
- Enter a title for the uploaded document, and click Save.
How to edit or delete supporting documents¶
On an existing request, you will also be able to edit the name of a document or delete it. Once a request has been denied, you will no longer be able to edit, add, or delete its supporting documents.
- Log in to SimplePay, and go to Requests.
- Click on the Pending or Approved status next to the relevant leave request.
- Under Supporting Documents, click Edit files to edit the document title or delete the document.
- Click Save.